Texas Masters Chess Tournament
January 18-20, 2014
5 round Swiss System, G/90 with 30 second increment
Dallas Chess Club, 200 S Cottonwood Drive Suite C, Richardson, TX 75080
Entry Fee | |
USCF 2400 + | $80 |
USCF 2200-2400 | $95 |
Fide Rated 2000 + | $130 |
USCF Under 2200 or Fide Under 2000 | $200 |
One Half-point bye available if requested before end of round 2 and before full point bye is awarded.
TCA Membership required. OSA
Prizes are $3500 based on 25 paid entries. 75% of prizes are guaranteed.
Prizes (based on 25 paid entries) | |
1st | $1600 |
2nd | $800 |
3rd | $400 |
4th | $200 |
U2400 | $500 |
Click for Flyer/Registration Form (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Online Registration (note that Active.com charges small fee.): http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2121647
Registration: 10:00 am - 10:55 am on Saturday morning 1/18
Round Times | ||||
Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 | Round 4 | Round 5 |
Sat 1/18 | Sat 1/18 | Sun 1/19 | Sun 1/19 | Mon 1/20 |
11:20 am | 5 pm | 11:20 am | 5 pm | 10 am |
Tournament is Fide rated and uses increment, but USCF rules will be used. Note that scorekeeping is required throughout the game, even if either or both players are under 5 minutes.
Rule 11H1 also applies.
Note other rule variation: Players not using Monroi devices, may write move down then play it. Excessive erasing will be grounds to make player move then write move down. Players using Monroi devices must make move then 'notate' the move.
Monroi devices May be used on top boards. No one may refuse to use Monroi device.
Click to register online. Note that active.com charges small fee.
For more information: Barbara Swafford.
Send all entries and make checks payable to the following:
Dallas Chess Club; C/O Barbara Swafford, 2709 Longhorn Trail, Crowley, TX 76030
18-20 January 2014 Texas Grand Prix Points:
40 (Enhanced)
Texas Masters
5SS, G/90 inc/30. Dallas Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr. #C, Richardson, TX
75080. FIDE and USCF rated but uses FIDE rules. Will use USCF ratings and rules
for awarding prizes. Default late forfeiture time is one hour. TD may extend
this time at TD’s discretion. EF: USCF +2400 $80, USCF 2200-2400(or
if you ever been rated 2200 USCF) $95, Fide rated 2000 and above is $130,
U2200USCF/U2000Fide $200. USCF Membership Required. $$b/25: 75%
Guaranteed. $1600-800-400-200. U2400 $500. Reg.: 1/18: 10:00-10:55 am.
Rds.: Sat 11:20am, 5 pm ; Sun 11:20am, 5 pm; Mon 10 am. One bye if requested
before end of round 2 and before given a full point bye or forfeit win. Players
who withdraw or take a last round zero point bye are ineligible for prizes.
ENT: Dallas Chess Club, see address above. 214.632.9000. INFO: Barb
Swafford, info@dallaschess.com
www.swchess.com. NS. NC. FIDE.
Major Sponsor:
Rated by: