Sept 4 – 7 or Sept 5-7 2020 Chess Magnet School Junior Grand Prix! Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 30 (Enhanced)
86th Annual
Southwest Open 7SS G/90 with 30 sec inc. Doubletree by Hilton DFW
Airport North, 4441 W. John Carpenter Fwy., Irving, TX 75063. Hotel rates: $94.
Reserve at 972-929-8181 by 8/14 and ask for the rate C-DCC. After
8/15 the rate may not be honored. Hotel has complimentary hotel shuttle to/from
DFW airport. Tournament has 3 Sections and two scholastic side events:
Open Section: This section is FIDE rated and uses FIDE rules. USCF rules/ratings used for awarding prizes. USCF ratings used for pairing purposes. Players not at the board within 60 minutes of the start of the round will forfeit game unless arbiter decides to grant more time. Please check tournament website for rules about FIDE registration. $$ 1,000-500-250, 2200-2399 $750, U2200 $750.
Reserve Section: Open to U2000. $$ 800-400-200. B $600-300-150, U1600 $500-250-125. Based on 200 players scholastic sections do not count toward based on.
Novice Section: Opened toU1400 and Unrated. $$ $500-250-125, E $400-200, U1000 $300-150 Unrated $200 Based on 200 players scholastic sections do not count toward based on.
All 3 (Open, Reserve and Novice): Except for approved Electronic scorekeeping devices, no electronics are allowed in the playing area during the round. This includes rest rooms by the playing area. This rule applies to players, parents, coaches. TCA membership required. Other states accepted.
Note that the floor will be closed during the round.
Other Covid -19 rules will be in effect. See EF: $99 if
received by 8/24, else $109. EF for Senior/Handicap/Additional family
participant/re-entry $60 by 8/24 else $74. (Reentry not allowed in Open
Section,) These lower entry fee counts 60% toward base. Add $5 for CC phone
entries; Note that entry must be done online at
Note that entries may be limited due to any special distancing rules in effect
during the dates of the tournament 4 day: Rds. Fri.: 7:20pm, Sat.: 2:10 pm &
7:20, Sun: 11:30 am & 5:20 pm, Mon.: 9:20 am & 2:20 pm. 3 day: Rd. 1 on Sat. 9/5
at 9 am then merge with 4 day. Foreign Unrated must play in Open section.
Tournament may use CCA rules for foreign ratings and for minimum ratings. Up to
two ½-pt byes available if requested before end of rd. 2, but byes for both rd.
6 AND 7 not permitted. Texas Chess Association meeting on Sunday 9/6 at 8:30
K-12 Scholastics: (Note that seating is limited and registration can
K-12 U1000 on Saturday, 9/5. 5-SS, G/30, d/5, Open to K-12 players rated Under 1000
EF: $34 by 8/24, $54 thereafter; Registration must be done online at Entries do not count toward base in Open, Reserve and Novice. Registration: Rd. 1 at 10:20 am, rest ASAP with small lunch break. Prizes: Trophies to top 12 individuals, five teams and top three unrateds. Medals to Players who do not win a trophy.
K-12 Open on Sunday, 9/6. 5-SS, G/30, d/5, Open to K-12 players
EF: $34 by 8/24, $54 thereafter; Registration must be done online at Entries do not count toward base in Open, Reserve and Novice. Registration: Rd. 1 at 10:20 am, rest ASAP with small lunch break. Prizes: Trophies to top 12 individuals, five teams. Medals to Players who do not win a trophy.
ALL: Dallas Chess Club, C/O Barbara Swafford, 2709 Longhorn Trail, Crowley, TX 76036. Info: Barb Swafford, 214-632-9000,
NS. NC. W. FIDE. JGP for Non scholastic side events.