Texas Chess Association Membership

Texas Residents need TCA membership to play in their sponsored tournaments

Texas State and Amateur, SW Open, Texas Masters, Texas Team

Some terms to know: All memberships are good for 1 year except Junior this tournament only which is valid for the duration of the tournament. Junior means players under age 19, Student means College Student, Online means read the magazine online. Other memberships include 4 issues of Texas Knight magazine. Patron means your name is included in Hall of Honor.

This will allow you to register a person for Texas Chess Association membership



Choose type of membership
Choose type of membership
email address
City St Zip Code
family memberships: additional members and age












Fill in the information below and click Buy Now to pay using paypal (includes fee). The information will be sent to  tcapayment@gmail.com  

 Byes. Two 1/2 point byes are allowed if requested before the end of round 2 and before any full point bye is awarded. Byes for both round 6 AND 7 is not permitted.

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Player's Name
School City